10 July 2001, Anchored in Small Bay

Dear Ones,

We are anchored in a small bay, 40 nm. west of Halifax, Nova Scotia. It has been cloudy for six days out of every seven since we sailed here from Cape Cod. The reason I put the date above is, we are not sure when we'll get to shore to an internet cafe to send this to you.

By the way, the weather reports for this day in July tell us that Spokane where two of Ed's daughters live is warm while we huddle in 55 degree damp, cloudy, foggy days with three blankets and a sleeping bag over us at night. They say that onshore winds along this southeast coast are cooled by the Labrador current.

We don't have a heater on the boat and are trying to convince ourselves that this is an experience to tell about when we get back to the Caribbean. We use our digital camcorder to take pictures and then download snapshots onto the computer. An advantage is, with a still people tend to pose, while with a motion camcorder they are more natural and you can pick out the scene you want to "preserve."

Love Ed and Wendy

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